A little about me first, then on to Mr. James. I went to the doctor on Friday, everything looks good. My bp is still fluctuating, which is not fun at times. Yesterday, I had to 'pause' my shower 3 times due to being light headed. She said this will be a common occurrence for at least the next few weeks =/
Now, back to the reason for the blog =) James is doing extremely well. In the last 24 hours, they have doubled his feedings from 6 cc's every 3 hours, to 12 cc's every three hours. He has been able to digest everything, which is a great sign. Hopefully soon he'll be able to get all of his nutrition from breast milk and they can take him off the IV. The ventilator is gone, but this is what he looked like with it on.
Picture taken 3/1/11 |
Notice the itty bitty purple paci in the picture. (Also notice the awesome alliteration in that sentence) He has now been upgraded to a 'normal' green paci.
On 3/3/11 Mike was able to hold James for the first time. This is a picture I will cherish forever.
James really doesn't like the cannula (oxygen thing) in his nose. Most of the time he has pulled it off and it's in his mouth.
What color will his hair be? It seems to be getting darker, the nurse thinks it looks red in the light, we'll have to wait and see!
This picture was taken on 3/5/11 he has quite the hold of that paci, hopefully will all this sucking practice he'll be able to take a nipple very soon!
Oh so sleepy =)
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